Mejor by Aurea G, produced by Jassiel McBride. Click photo for streaming links

Mejor by Aurea G, produced by Jassiel McBride. Click photo for streaming links


It all started when Aurea was hanging with her artist friend Jassiel. He had her sing a little and convinced her to record music, even though she didn’t believe she was good enough. Aurea enjoys singing but never did she think she had what it takes to pursue music professionally. A hangout session turned into a studio session and with trials and tribulation, Aurea found a new passion in creating music from scratch. She and Jassiel decided to finish the record, given they’ve not been strangers to unreleased and unfinshed projects. Mejor is a celebration of sensuality, sexuality, confidence, love, and healing.

Bringing Visuals to Life

Aurea has been so grateful to have met and built relationships with people who not only care for her but who are in love with art just as much as she is. Her friend and stylist Tarik Tull assisted Aurea in bringing her vision for Mejor to life. Aurea wanted to heal an American businessman from his daily, robotic, and unhealthy routine life with love, sex, and spirituality. She was inspired by the Matrix films, and Tarik took on a modern approach in styling the fiery Latin star with some classic pieces that would symbolize the films.

In only 2.5 days with a 4 person crew (including Aurea and her co-star Will) during the pandemic, Aurea was able to film as much as she could with quarantine restrictions. Her DP Tyler Aryai offered so much direction and leadership during the shoot and she is thankful to have been able to whip up a vision in such a short amount of time. Friend and filmmaker Erick Reyes did a wonderful job editing.